Our Mission

Equal rights, fair play, justice are all like the air-we all have it or none of us have it.
-Maya Angelo, Academy of Achievement Interview

Anti-bias education is a commitment to supporting children who live in a highly diverse and yet still inequitable world. It is an underpinning perspective and framework that permeates everything in early childhood education. We stand committed to nurture a more diverse and inclusive generation of young children who thrive through their experience of equitable learning opportunities in early learning programs. We aim for each child to demonstrate self-awareness, confidence and family pride and positive social identities, express comfort and joy with human diversity, to increasingly recognize injustice, and to have the will and the skills to act against prejudice.

Our writing, films, presentations, and consultation services draw on many years as teachers, teacher educators and researchers, social justice activists, and leaders of early childhood programs. On this site you will find some background into who we are and the resources we have developed.

We also invite you to share your experiences with leading anti-bias change in your own early childhood or teacher education program and in implementing the ideas and strategies that we offer on this site and in our publications.
— Louise, Debbie and John