Online resource for Leading Anti-Bias Early Childhood Programs: A Guide To Change, For Change. 2nd Edition
Anti-bias Strategic Planning Sheet
Anti-bias Professional Development Activity on Teacher Identities and Reflection Questions
Resources for Children’s Literature
Guide for Selecting Anti-Bias Children’s Books (2016)
Literary Lenses for Children’s Books (2020)
ABE children’s book bibliography (2021)
Early Childhood Children’s Books about Indigenous Cultures written by Indigenous Authors
Children’s Books as Mirrors and Windows A short article by Debbie LeeKeenan written for the PEPS (Program for Early Parent Support) blog. (May, 2018)
Louise Derman-Sparks critiques Scholastic’s publication of President Donald Trump. (July, 2018)
Debbie LeeKeenan reviewed Dumpling Day, by Meera Sriram, Ines de Antunano and Laurel Jackson for 2022 -Multicultural Children’s Book Day. (January, 2022)
General Resources on Anti-bias Education
Debbie LeeKeenan was interviewed by Sandy Lanes on her podcast series, Awakened to Reggio, about integrating an anti-bias lens in Reggio inspired programs. Honoring Differences with Debbie LeeKeenan (January 18, 2024).
Raising Up Anti-Bias Education in a Time of Pushback: In this webinar, Louise Derman-Sparks, Debbie LeeKeenan, John Nimmo and Karina Rojas address the current climate of pushback and resistance to anti-bias education in early childhood programs. (November 2023)
Educational Intimidation: Pen America: The Freedom to Write: How “Parents’ Rights” Legislation Undermines the Freedom to Learn (August 2023)
Early Risers Podcast is a podcast from Little Moments Count and Minnesota Public Radio with engaging stories and real “how-tos” for anyone who cares about raising children with an understanding of cultural differences, race and bias. Hosted by Dianne Haulcy of The Family Partnership. (2023)
From EmbraceRace: Reflections on Children’s Racial Learning 2023: Essays and Dispatches from the Field Debbie LeeKeenan’s essay, “Finding Hope in Anti-bias Education”, p. 15. (February 2023)
From EmbraceRace: Responding to racialized violence with kids, again (January 2023)
Debbie LeeKeenan was interviewed for the topic “Raising Anti-racist children: Strategies for white parents”. The ensuing article was published in gridphilly.com/magazine in the August, 2021 issue (page 21) in an article titled “Parenting While White“.
Essential Equity Statements and Resources for Racial, Economic, and Social Justice (June 11, 2021).
Rethinking Schools: books, videos, websites, and other social justice resources (April 2021)
COVID-19: Shelter In Place Early Childhood Sample Activities with Debbie LeeKeenan (2020)
Conversations That Matter: Talking with Children about Big World Issue (May 2020)
Voices from the Village podcast from the Wyoming Early Childhood Professional Learning Collaborative. It takes a village to raise a child, and early childhood educators are an essential part of that village. This podcast highlights voices of nationally recognized early childhood experts alongside the voices of our local experts, Wyoming early childhood educators. Debbie is featured in Episode 3. Debbie LeeKeenan – Leadership Lessons Learned (December 18, 2020). She shares important lessons learned in her years as a program director and practical advice for successfully navigating the complexities of early childhood leadership.
Embrace Race Webinar: Nurturing Resilience & Joy Among BIPOC Children: Role of the Educator Debbie LeeKeenan is a panelist. (November 20, 2020)
Teaching Young Children to Understand and Accept Differences
The Brain Architects Podcast: Brain Architecture: Laying the Foundation
Debbie LeeKeenan is interviewed on this podcast by Dr. Jack Shonkoff. Why are the early years of a child’s life so important for brain development? How are connections built in the brain, and how can early brain development affect a child’s future health? This episode of The Brain Architects dives into all these questions and more. (January 10, 2020)
A Q&A discussion with Debbie LeeKeenan and Iris Chin Ponte, authors of From Survive to Thrive: A Director’s Guide for Leading an Early Childhood Program, as they answer questions submitted by NAEYC members about the challenges of being a leader in an ECE setting. (May, 2019)
A webinar with Debbie LeeKeenan and Iris Chin Ponte, Facilitated Leadership and Family Engagement — Learning with and from Families, exploring why engaging families in their children’s education through facilitated leadership is critical to the success of each child and to the educational program itself. Practical tips on how to welcome and involve all families. December, 2018.
How do children develop their social identity? A short article by Debbie LeeKeenan written for the PEPS (Program for Early Parent Support) blog. November, 2017.
Anti-bias lessons help preschoolers hold up a mirror to diversity: an interview on PBS News Hour in Alameda California with Louise Derman-Sparks and teachers. (November 7, 2017)
Holiday Resources
Debbie LeeKeenan and Julie Bisson were interviewed by Jessica Stinson on her podcast series, Tiny Talks on Early Learning, on “A Season for Everyone: Inclusive Holiday Practices for Families and Educators (October 21, 2024).
NAEYC Blog Post: The Lunar New Year Is A Global Celebration! (January 2023)
Why it’s important to tell kids the truth about Thanksgiving: ‘We are perpetuating harmful stereotypes’ “The rosy picture that’s often painted of [Thanksgiving] is far from historically accurate — and some experts say that perpetuating this narrative is harmful, particularly to Native Americans.” (November 18, 2021)
How to talk to your kids about Thanksgiving Debbie is interviewed for this blog article. November 21, 2018.
An interview with Debbie LeeKeenan about holidays and diversity in December, 2015, for “Raising Families,” a cable television show in Somerville, Massachusetts
Some of our favorite links:
African American Children’s Book Publisher Just Us Books
Colorful Pages Colorful Pages
Embrace Race embracerace.org
Jane Addams Peace Association The Jane Addams Peace Association
Lee & Low Multicultural Children’s Book Publisher Lee & Low Books
Learning for Justice (formerly Teaching Tolerance) https://www.learningforjustice.org/
Mantra Lingua Multicultural Children’s Book Publisher Mantra Lingua
National Association for Education of Young Children, NAEYC www.naeyc.org
National Association for Multicultural Education http://nameorg.org
National Black Child Develpment Institute https://www.nbcdi.org/
Rethinking Schools www.rethinkingschools.org
Teaching for Change www.teachingforchange.org
We need diverse books diversebooks.org
Zinn Education Project https://www.zinnedproject.org