Families Embracing Anti-Bias Values

Filmmakers Statement


Families Embracing Anti-Bias Values


Debbie LeeKeenan, Co-Director Antibiasleadersece.com, Seattle WA
John Nimmo, Professor, Portland State University, Portland OR


Filiz Efe McKinney, Documentary Filmmaker, Brave Sprout Productions, Seattle, WA


Fall, 2024

Families Embracing Anti-Bias Values is a 60-minute documentary about families who intentionally parent with an anti-bias lens. The film raises up the voices of multiple families with diverse identities, talking about their hopes, fears, strengths, challenges, and questions as they figure out: What kind of world do we want to create with our children?

We see these families creating this world in everyday experiences in their homes, communities, and schools. Each family has their own vision for social justice based on their unique identities, histories, experiences and context. They help their children develop positive social identities, express comfort and joy with human differences, and form deep caring connections.

As filmmakers, we had the opportunity and honor to learn from and dialogue with these families about their personal and complex stories. We express our gratitude and deep appreciation for their trust, confidence, vulnerability, and openness in sharing their stories with us. We hope we did their stories justice.

Families Embracing Anti-Bias Values is a companion to our acclaimed 2021 film, Reflecting on Anti-Bias Education in Action: The Early Years, which received the Silver Prize for Documentary Feature at the Social Justice Film Festival (2021) and a Northwest Regional Emmy® nomination for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (2022).